Server down

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Server down

Post by [UVA]Scooby »

Today we had another xml loss issue, i spent a few hours sorting it out but it seems the stats files don't match the house files.
Some players houses were in their old names if they changed over the last few days.

As a result i will need to load the back up from 10 days ago.
This is not ideal but its the only way to make sure we all have what we had 10 days ago and not just some of us.

For now I have shut the server down while i move all the files, I will try to get things up and running as soon as possible.
This might be a couple of days as im at work tomorrow.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:24 pm
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Re: Server down

Post by [UVA]Junnior »

Hey mate
dont worrie ,take the time it takes so you can get it right ^^
Good Lucky and Regards ^^