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i will update the tuning help

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 1:09 pm
by calse0156
I have 15 evo tunings in total and I want to change it. I will delete it and change some settings, but will it be possible or not? I thought, is there anyone who knows about this issue? For example, my tuning is 4 5 2 0 5, I want to change it, I want to make it 2-5-3-5, can I do it?

Re: i will update the tuning help

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:34 pm
by [UVA]Choiza

as far as i know you can modify a specific tuning by removing it and start over by doing jobs and tuning it back to what you want it to be

let us know if that works for you

Re: i will update the tuning help

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:42 am
by [UVA]Scooby
Yes, you have 2 options,
1) sell the car and start again
2) remove the parts, this is done the same as buying new upgrades,
you need to do x amount of jobs first, this will allow you to remove any part you have fitted,
then you do x amount of jobs and buy a new part.

the easiest way is to remove each part you dont want, then buy the new one you do want :)